Friday 8 June 2012

Book Review: Silly Doggy by Adam Stower

Lilly wakes up one morning to discover there is something wonderful in the garden. It's big, brown and hairy with four legs, a tail and a big, wet nose, and Lilly has always wanted one.

Unfortunately, Lilly's mum is not so enthusiastic so Lilly must try and return 'Doggy' to his home. She designs a poster trying to describe Doggy, but secretly she hopes no one will claim him. They do, of course, and Lilly is sad until she looks out of the window next morning and discovers... ...well I'll let you find out for yourselves!

My five year old daughter has just got this book out from the library and she read it to me for her bedtime reading. Absolutely wonderful! She spent the whole time tutting at Lilly for thinking it was a doggy when it was obviously a bear, and laughing at Doggy's exploits.

I liked the fact that Silly Doggy didn't have too many words to a page so a reasonably confident reader can feel a sense of accomplishment at reading the whole book in one sitting. The illustrations are beatifully done and open the possibility of lots of question and answer sessions between parent and child.

The endpapers were also quite entertaining: they look like articles from a newspaper being read at the breakfast table and expand on the story. The front endpaper has a clipping explaining about the escape of animals from the local safari park, while the rear endpaper hints Doggy's return to the safari park, oh, and the results of a local cat show.

Altogether a well told story, beautifully illustrated and presented in a well designed book.

Saturday 5 May 2012

Vampire Fiction Reviews from

Laurell K. Hamilton
Laurell K. Hamilton
I have been a big fan of the vampire novels of both Charlaine Harris and Laurell K. Hamilton for quite some time, ever since I discovered Laurell K. Hamilton's books when I was a book dealer.

I was browsing in a charity shop for new stock and I came across the first few books in the Anita Blake series. I must confess (with apologies to Ms. Hamilton) that I though they would just be trashy horror books; however trashy horror books sold so I bought them.

Before putting them in the shop I decided to read them and was blown away by how different they were from other vampire books I had read.

Needless to say they never ended up on the shelves and, over the next few years I collected them all. Eventually I did have to sell my collection as I was running a business. Nevertheless, she has remained a firm favourite of mine ever since.

Charlaine Harris was a different story: Like many people I watched True Blood on TV and really enjoyed it, so my wife bought me a boxed set of the books for Christmas. Since then I have bought, or borrowed, each new book as it has been published, and remained a big fan of her writing.

There seems to have been something of an explosion in the number of vampire novels published over the last few years. Some of them are good and some less so. How do you tell the two apart?

Well I recently came across the LoveVampires website, which offers a review of the latest offerings in the genre. The site doesn't only look at the latest book releases but also reviews old vampire fiction as well. There are also interviews with authors as well as competitions and give aways.

So, if you are a big fan of vampire novels and are wondering what to read next, LoveVampires might be worth checking out.

The photograph of Laurell K. Hamilton was taken by theNerdPatrol and placed on flickr. It is used here under the creative commons license.